We all know that a web site can have a complex distributed structure with load balancers and database servers. However from the outside view any web site is just a computer program that is always waiting from an HTTP connection. When something (usually a browser) connects to it and sends […]
Author: Ivan Lisitsyn
On parameterization
To create a load test we record a typical user session with help of a browser and a load testing tool. We want to use that session as a template to emulate hundreds or even thousands users working with our web site simultaneously. Our load testing tool will replay the […]
What is an HTTP request?
I will not write about HTTP protocol in general. I want to concentrate on few facts about HTTP requests that are important for load testing. As I mentioned in the previous post, when we work with a web site using a browser, all our actions produce HTTP requests that a […]
How a user session is recorded and replayed
As I wrote before, to load test a web site you need to record a sequence of actions that constitute a single user session on the site. Then when you run the test, this session it repeated by many virtual users running simultaneously. Let’s look more closely on what does […]
How to create a test?
Let’s imagine that you have a web site and you want to create a load test for it. Of course, the first problem is to choose a load testing tool. I will not write a lot about this step and will simply suppose that you have already selected WAPT or […]