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Everything posted by sergei

  1. Yes, WAPT can execute requests in parallel. You can find out more here https://www.loadtestingtool.com/help/parallel-execution.shtml
  2. You can group requests in a task to aggregate statistics.
  3. You should provide the server and port separately. Also you can provide the server IP instead of the server name.
  4. Also you can use REST API https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSFKSJ_9.2.0/com.ibm.mq.dev.doc/q130940_.html
  5. Hi! WAPT can send HTTP/HTTPS and WebSocket requests only. So I think you should try to use "IBM MQ bridge for HTTP" to communicate with IBM MQ.
  6. In most cases the user think times will be enough, but sometimes you need additional delays. For example into or after other operators.
  7. 1. No. WAPT doesn't collect such information. You can calculate the value only from a raw CSV file with the time statistics. 2. You can calculate the test duration: results.totalTimeUnits * results.timeUnitLength
  8. Could you please provide your test results file?
  9. Could you please describe what is your goal? What do you want to get? Why do you need to add jar files?
  10. You need to use the $File function https://www.loadtestingtool.com/help/functions.shtml#_file
  11. Hi Jiri, There is no the such guide. You can find out some information in the WAPT help and use existing counters as examples.
  12. Did you install the client certificate in WAPT? Is your site available? Could you provide us your certificate?
  13. Is a client certificate required for accessing to your site? Did you install it in the browser?
  14. If you manually add the Content-Type header to the end of the headers list with the overwrite option it should overwrite the automatic default header. Could you give me you profile so I could check it?
  15. Please, update your WAPT Pro to the latest build. If it will not resolve your issue, please give me your scenario and profile.
  16. Hi Jiri, What the build version do you use? Could you update your version from https://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/
  17. You are right. You need to delete cookies in any browser.
  18. I'm not sure that I understood you correctly, but I suggest to use Rendezvous Point operator in the end of the first profile and then use Stop Test operator.
  19. You can select the Mobile application (manual proxy configuration) option, set the proxy in Firefox manually and record.
  20. Hi, You have to use the JavaScript operator to read a content from the file. Add to the operator something like the following: var fso,filehandle,contents; fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); filehandle = fso.OpenTextFile("D:\\Temp\\WAPT\\5.0 Test\\JSONFromFile\\json.txt",1); contents = filehandle.ReadAll(); log.message(contents); context.variable("test") = contents; filehandle.close(); Then use the variable "test" in a POST request body.
  21. Hi Jiri, We have created a special Log Viewer for internal use to open the recorder logs.
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