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Everything posted by sergei

  1. It depends on many reasons: user think time settings in profile, server response time etc. In general there is insufficient information. Try to enable logging and check the times in logs.
  2. WAPT uses only one connection per user to download content from server, therefore it should show more time then IE. Check WAPT logs for errors. I think WAPT do not download all content.
  3. We can't reproduce your problem. What web server do you use?
  4. Could you describe your problem in more details?
  5. Try to download appropriate codecs. What is your OS version?
  6. Please, send your profile and log to support@loadtestingtool.com.
  7. Could you describe the problem in more details or give a profile?
  8. There is no way to use different file names in $File function. You can use predefined list of requests with different files in a Random operator.
  9. Possibly, the load balancer considers WAPT requests as a DDOS attack, because all requests are sent from the same IPs. Try to disable a DDOS attack filter.
  10. WAPT uses IE for recording. You can use different browser for recording. Follow the instruction below: 1. Run WAPT. 2. Start recorder (click the Rec button). 3. Determine WAPT process ID (PID) in the Task Manager. 4. Execute the "netstat -a -o" command in command prompt to determine the listening port used by WAPT (marked with its PID). 5. Set HTTP proxy in your browser as localhost:. 6. Now you can record all actions in that browser.
  11. If you see that columns in tables of reports are highlighted in yellow (red), it means that utilization of resources on system where WAPT is run goes above 80% (98%). It may signal that current configuration is not sufficient to produce the desired test load. Test results that you see in such columns may be not reliable.
  12. There is a bug with encoding "-" symbol. We will fix it shortly.
  13. It looks like your server is overloaded. Try to use a ramp-up load generation and determine a load level when first errors occur.
  14. You can read about parameterization using the following two links. http://www.loadtestingtool.com/help/workin...variables.shtml http://www.loadtestingtool.com/help/parame...lculation.shtml (Note: You can also find corresponding topics in the help file provided with product.) Recently we also created a demo clip showing step by step how to perform the parameterization. You can download it here: http://www.loadtestingtool.com/quickstart/WAPTdemo.avi Also, I recommend you to use the "Verify test" button to check your profiles before running the test. It will execute each profile one time and log all the details. After the verification is finished you can expand the "Logs" folder in the left view. You will see all the requests and server responses logged during the profile execution. You can also use logs for test runs, but you need to choose the level of details on the “Log and Report Settings” page. Note also that when you record a profile, you should start from the very first URL that you use to access the web site. If you start recording from a page inside a user session, your profile will be incomplete and will not produce a valid session during the test. If you still cannot find the reason of the problem, please send your profile (.wpp file) and log file with the test verification data to support@loadtestingtool.com. To save logs right click on the Logs folder and choose "Save Logs" from the menu.
  15. Yes, you are right. Agents generate load and don't have GUI. WAPT Pro workplace has an interface similar to WAPT.
  16. 1500 - 2000 virtual users are an average limit for WAPT. For more users emulation we made WAPT Pro.
  17. What JavaScript do you mean? If it is JavaScript from website then WAPT doesn't execute such scripts during test run. If it is WAPT JavaScript operator then WAPT writes script errors to log.
  18. We created a demo clip showing step by step how to perform the parameterization. You can download it here: http://www.loadtestingtool.com/quickstart/WAPTdemo.avi If you are still having problems with parameterization send your profile to support@loadtestingtool.com
  19. You can try to search logs into the folder that you set for log in WAPT settings.
  20. Unfortunately, it isn't possible now. Could you briefly describe why do you need this feature?
  21. Use only "Token=" as a left boundary and "&" as a right boundary. It's enough for your case.
  22. Unfortunately, in WAPT you can use only a file name in function $File.
  23. We can't reproduce your problems. Please, download the latest build from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/WAPTPro2.1.zip. If the bugs are still there tell me the version of your OS.
  24. $UrlParam function works with parameters from tag only. You can use a function $Search.
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