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Everything posted by sergei

  1. WAPT can't always parameterize all dynamic values properly. If it has a doubt, it doesn't parameterize such value. In this case you need to parameterize such value manually. Could you give me your profile or send it to support@loadtestingtool.com?
  2. Usually in such case you should not use user ID twice during test session. For example, do not use the same login name twice. You need to do that your virtual user uses new user ID for each new session iteration.
  3. Hi, Could you give me your profile or send it to support@loadtestingtool.com?
  4. Yes, it's possible. In your case you need to put the additional headers inside the parameter name using $Var function.
  5. You need to use "Do not follow redirect" option for the first request of a chain. It will prevent WAPT to follow redirect. Then you need to create requests for redirects manually using URLs from Location header. In this case you will be able to process responses for these requests.
  6. Do you use internal browser for recording? Please try to use external Chrome browser for recording and check the proxy settings in browser during recording. The settings should point to WAPT recorder proxy.
  7. Ok, we will add this feature in the next version. You can use JavaScript to calculate response times and save them to a file.
  8. Hi, Due to asynchronous nature of WebSocket, Send and Receive are not linked together. What do you mean by response time for WebSocket?
  9. Hi, You can use JavaScript processing. Here is the code analogous to the “Search Parameter” function: var str = context.responseBody;//input var left = context.variable("left");//left boundary var right = context.variable("right");//right boundary var leftIndex = str.indexOf(left); var rightIndex = -1; if(leftIndex != -1) { rightIndex = str.indexOf(right,leftIndex+left.length); } if(rightIndex != -1) { str = str.slice(leftIndex+left.length,rightIndex); context.variable("str")=str;// return string }
  10. Hi, Could you give me your profile or send it support?
  11. Possibly, Load Agent crashed. Try to use the latest version of WAPT Pro.
  12. Hi, Could you give me your profile, *.jar and *.gwt.rpc files?
  13. Unfortunately, you attached scenario file only. Please, attach profile file with .wpp extension.
  14. It isn't possible to share variables between profiles in the WAPT itself. Try to redesign your test and merge both profiles into the one. Or try to use JavaScript and an external file.
  15. You need to use the $JPath function. It is not trivial but possible. XPath //*[assignedToUser/@type=null] return you all three elements with "assignedToUser" : null. XPath //*[assignedToUser/@type=null][1] return you the first element with "assignedToUser" : null. So for courseID you can use $JPath(//*[assignedToUser/@type=null][1]/application/course/id,NO). For applicationID you can use $JPath(//*[assignedToUser/@type=null][1]/application/id,NO). For approvalID you can use $JPath(//*[assignedToUser/@type=null][1]/id,NO). If it will not work for you, perhaps, you need to upgrade to the latest version of WAPT to use that.
  16. Did you get this message before? Try to use the latest version of WAPT Pro.
  17. There is no way to get the profile name from within the profile. Why don't you want to use an initial variable with the profile name? Please, describe your needs more carefully maybe I will be able to offer some solution.
  18. Unfortunately you can't get a profile name from within the profile. You can create an initial variable with the profile name and use it whenever you need.
  19. Try to execute following code: var command = "D:\\welcome.bat" var argument = ""; var shellapp = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application"); shellapp.ShellExecute(command, argument, null, "open", 1);
  20. Try to use the latest version of WAPT.
  21. Please, try to delete registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SoftLogica\WAPT Pro\FirefoxPlugin
  22. WAPT doesn't support FTP protocol. But you can use JavaScript to run shell command and upload file to FTP with help of third party tool.
  23. You can convert your push request to streaming request. Just select it and click on Convert To Streaming in right click menu. Streaming request will be executed in parallel.
  24. Unfortunately there is not enough information. But if WAPT can connect to servers from 1 to 5 then the problem is more likely in settings of your network or servers than in WAPT. Could you give me the logs and profile or send them to support?
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