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Everything posted by sergei

  1. We have fixed the bug, you can download the latest build from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/WAPTPro4.0.zip Please, try it and let me know the result.
  2. Could you send me your scenario and settings.xml files?
  3. WAPT Pro cannot create or access the report folder. Do you run WAPT Pro under the same user account with and without -noui option? If you start WAPT Pro under local system account it can't create folder under your account (this folder set up in the settings by default).
  4. You can send it to support@loadtestingtool.com.
  5. Please, run 'WAPTPro.exe -run "D:\Dummy.wps" -noui > run.log'. WAPT Pro should create the run.log file with console output. Please, give it to me.
  6. They differ because the number of performed request is different from column to column. If you calculate (avg1*N1+avg2*N2+avg3*N3+...)/N_Total you get total avg.
  7. Could you give me your profile or send it to support? I will take a look at it, maybe you are missing something.
  8. Usually it means that some sessions failed. You can check errors report and logs to find exact reason of failure.
  9. The following resources can help you. WAPT PowerPoint demo presentation: http://www.loadtestingtool.com/WAPTpresentation.ppsx This is a brief introduction to load testing and main WAPT features. WAPT Quick Start Guide: http://www.loadtestingtool.com/quickstart/WAPTquickstart.pdf This document describes step by step how to create a simple but very typical test scenario for a web site, launch the test and interpret its results. An example of WAPT Pro usage. Part 1: http://www.loadtestingtool.com/quickstart/WAPTdemo-part1.avi Part 2: http://www.loadtestingtool.com/quickstart/WAPTdemo-part2.avi This demo clip shows step by step how to design a test with different types of virtual users, perform load testing of a web application, and interpret the test results.
  10. WAPT 9.0 and WAPT Pro 4.0 use JavaScript for the report building. You can change JavaScript files for the report customization. But it is not possible to add network error codes to the report. Also you can include custom graphs to the report only if you create them manually from the raw data.
  11. It is maybe too many VUs for one Load Agent. Try to use more Load Agents or use x64 Load Engine.
  12. You can enable full logging and check logs after a test. In the logs you will find the reason of errors and why you do not see a load.
  13. Could you send me your profile to support@loadtestingtool.com? What is a version of WAPT installed on laptop and server? Is JSON module installed on both computers?
  14. First of all in this case you need to control network bandwidth. These errors may occur because load agents haven't enough network bandwidth or server itself hasn't enough bandwidth to serve 1000 users. Try to use more agents.
  15. Thank you for your message! Unfortunately, you cannot disable automatic parameterization for JSON module. We will add this option in the next build of WAPT Pro 4.0.
  16. There are no attachments. You can send them to support@loadtestingtool.com.
  17. Thank you for the information. We have fixed the problem, you can download the latest build from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/
  18. Thank you for the information. We have fixed the problem, you can download the latest build from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/
  19. It looks a bit strange, all should work smoothly. Could you please re-record the profile with the recorder log enabled? Here is the instruction on how to do this. 1.Close WAPT. 2.Set the following registry key value: HHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SoftLogica\WAPT 9.0\Settings\Recorder\LogRecording = 1. 3.Start WAPT and record a profile. 4.Click the “Stop Rec” button after you face the problem. 5.Give me the file named “.wpp.log.zip” or send it to support@loadtestingtool.com. It will be created in the same folder with the profile. This will let us research the problem further. Also could you give me the verification log?
  20. Yes, but I need your profile and log file.
  21. Could you give me your log file or send it to support?
  22. Thank you. We will fix this bug in the next build.
  23. If your web service uses HTTP protocol for communication you can use WAPT for testing. In this case you can record web service requests or create them manually.
  24. Could you record the original request with Fiddler and give me Fiddler log and your WAPT profile?
  25. Thanks for your information. We will fix this issue in the next build.
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