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Everything posted by sergei

  1. You can use built-in "Session_number" variable: $Var(Session_number)
  2. You can extract the value of session id with help of $Search function, store it into a variable and then use it in subsequent requests.
  3. You can write it to the log from JavaScript operator using: log.message("log message") - writes a message to the log;
  4. When recording, WAPT works as a proxy between your browser and the target web site. This way it can intercept all the traffic and create the list of requests for the profile being recorded. For this purpose it temporary changes the proxy settings of your browser. However there are some specific cases which are harder to support. The reason why you cannot record is probably your proxy configuration. You can check it in the “Internet Options” available through IE. You can try unchecking the “Automatically detect settings” and “Use automatic configuration script” options in the above dialog. If this does not help, please make a screen shot of these dialogs on your system and send it to me. This will let us research the problem further.
  5. The JavaScript operator is available in the WAPT Pro only.
  6. You can change the port number directly in the profile file. Find and replace the port number within tags 80.
  7. Yes of course. You can use $CSV function for it http://www.loadtestingtool.com/help/parameter-value-dynamic-calculation.shtml#_csv
  8. Each virtual user executes sessions one by one. As soon as it completes a session, it starts the next one, and so on until the test is finished. So, each virtual user emulates several successive real users and can execute corresponding number of sessions during the test. At any moment the number of active concurrent sessions is equal to the number of virtual users. When you verify the profile only one session is executed.
  9. You need to create ODBC connection first. You can find more info in the online help: Note that a specified DSN should be added to the list of ODBC User Data Sources beforehand. For this, you should enter the Windows Start menu, select Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Data Sources (ODBC) and add a desired User Data Source. Then you will be able to use that data source in the DSN field of the Performance Counters view.
  10. WAPT doesn't include user think time into response time statistics.
  11. sergei

    Element index in JPath

    Yes, you are right. Thank you for notifying us about this bug. We will fix the Help.
  12. WAPT Pro 3.1 already has few counters for MySQL.
  13. You can export the raw data to CSV. Just set CSV Data Output options in the Log and Report settings.
  14. We are going to add this possibility to the next version.
  15. You can try to use OWA (outlook web access) to open email and extract the passcode.
  16. You see this message because the JavaScript is turned off in Log Viewer. We can't execute JavaScript when show the recorded response. But it makes no difference during the test. WAPT doesn't execute client side JavaScript. Instead WAPT emulates client browser requests and has the powerful set of tools for this.
  17. What version of Windows do you mean? We never faced such restrictions in Windows.
  18. What licensing limits do you mean? Please, provide more details.
  19. Please look in Windows Event Viewer are there some problems with Load Agent service?
  20. Yes, WAPT uses SQL queries to collect a performance data from Oracle server. And you can add your own counters.
  21. User should have privileges to do SELECT in the system table "v$sysstat".
  22. You can enable full or error logging during a test. When the test finished you can check the logs and find the reason of errors.
  23. The problem was already fixed. Just please install the latest build from the site.
  24. WAPT Pro can use JavaScript code to process the responses of your web site and calculate the parameters of subsequent requests.
  25. Please send a screenshot of the message to support.
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