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About NikiMouse

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  1. OK, until now I understood, that: - "binRequestHeader" contains recorded data - "mimeRequestHeader" contains my request data for the header (request header) But where is my binary request data of a http-POST stored? I can see other potential places for the POST request data: - <binRequestBody base64="1" gzip="TRUE">... - <BinaryData Version="1" modified="TRUE"><text base64="65001" gzip="TRUE">... Please note that both places are compressed. Regards, Niko
  2. Hi Sergei, I have the same situation with the binary http protocol "hessian". There is no structured data I could check. Normally I would do the validation by using a byte sequence. But it doesn't work neither with a single character nor with a byte code (both are available in the response data). In the case of an functional error I get an http 200 status code and the substring "exception" within the response data. That's why the check of http return code doesn't help. Is there a way to check the repsonse data? Thank you, Niko
  3. Hi Sergei, thank you for that helpful functionality. It works fine with my script. But back to my question: would it be possible to save the script without compression? I wonder why the script file contains gzip="TRUE". Thanks again. Niko
  4. Hi all, because I can't find & replace my session ID part within the requests (POST request body) I want to do it with the help of Notepad++. For that I open the .wpp file with the editor to do the search & replace action. But the content is compresses, so I can't do that replacing. My question is: How can I deactivate the content compression (gzip=false)? .wpp-part of my interest: <binRequestHeader base64="1" gzip="TRUE"> My idea is: 1. save the profile with decompressed content 2. search & replace the binary string with my variable and save the file 3. load the profile with WAPT Pro and activate the compression I work with http-POST requests and binary content (hessian protocol). What is the best procedure to do that? Thanks, Niko
  5. Hi Sergei, it's working fine now with the 2nd patch. Thank you very much!
  6. Hi Sergei, thank you very much for the last build. I tried it with my recorded profile, but it's not possible to edit the post data of the login request. I did the run of the recorded request to get more information about that request. The header information says: Content-Length: 15157 I copy & pasted the POST data of the request (binary data) into an editor and removed all blanks. Then I counted the Bytes - surprise - there are 30314 Bytes, not 15157. Then I created a new request an pasted the data into the request POST Data form. I can copy & paste 20'000 Bytes only. What is the maximum amount of Bytes you can handle with a POST-Request? I don't have a glue, why the header information tells about the length of 15157, but the POST-Data of the login request contains over 30'000 Bytes? Do you have an idea? Greetings!
  7. Hi all, Is there a way to edit the content of a http request body with a size of 16 kByte? I'm evaluating WAPT Pro 4.3 on Windows. With it I recorded the client-server communication on http protocol. One of the recorded requests contains the user name within the request body. It's a simple POST request via http. When I set the cursor at the beginning of the user name and press "$" then nothing happens. It's working with other requests. The difference is the size of the request body. Also I tried to duplicate another request and to copy & paste the content of the big request. The result is, that a part of the whole content will paste into the new request. And I don't have the chance to add more characters. It seems that I have reached a maximum count of characters. Can I set the maximum count of characters of the request/response bodies? It should be possible, because the recorder was able to create such a big request body. Thanks in advance. NikiMouse
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