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Guest Eolastear

Need help with WAPT 6.0 user session emulations

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Guest Eolastear

My agency purchased a copy of the WAPT 6.0 Load Test Software in order to load test our new applications. Currently I am having an extremely difficult time figuring out how to correctly set up these user profiles. Here is the scenario I am having a problem with.


We have an ASP.NET application that uses forms authentication, and was developed as a Single Sign On application. Users that visit the Login screen can click on a check box to use automatic sign in which pulls their windows identity and authenticates them to our application. We also have a full audit system that tracks and logs a user's movement through the system. Here is my dilema. When setting up a user profile that simply logs in to the application and logs out there is a major inconsistency in how the recorder works and the actual test run.


Here is an example;


I have 3 accounts (LoadTestUser1, LoadtestUser2, and LoadTestUser3)

I create a profile that has all 3 accounts, with passwords, listed under Integrated Windows Authentication. I am running the WAPT software as LoadTestUser1 in order to utilize windows authentication for the actual recording, otherwise, it simply pulls my own windows identity and I need the recording to use one of the load test accounts. Now, the steps for this recording are;


1. Navigate to LogIn page

2. Start WAPT recording

3. Check the auto sign in box

4. Click the Login button.

5. Once logged in and on the default home page, click the LogOut button.

6. Once back at the LogIn screen, press Stop Recording.


After the initial recording is done, I go and check my auditing database to see if the actions were recorded, and they are. I get audit trails for the following;


1. LogOn

2. LogOff

3. Session End


However, when i run the actual test, for each user listed I only get one event audited;


1. LogOn


The user profiles never show that the LogOff event was fired during the test run even though during the recording phase it was proven to have occurred. Any insight here would really help. It seems like following login, no other actions occur for the listed users in the profile. How do I fix this?


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Guest Eolastear

It appears as if the recorder does not accurately pick up the button click events, how can I simulate these or create a parameter that will do so.

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Guest Eolastear

I am looking for a detailed example that will show me how to manually add a request that includes a form with a submit button and an On_Click event. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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If don't know how to add a POST request with a form data I recommend you to use WAPT Pro 2.0. It records all request. Then you can copy a necessary POST request in WAPT 6.0.

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Guest Eolastear

I already downloaded it and tried it. But that program has it's own issue. See my post under the "How To Solve My Problem" area entitled "WAPT Pro 2.0 Beta Integrated Windows Authentication fails in recorder ". In the WAPT Pro 2 BETA, the windows authentication fails the minute you start recording. The second you stop recording, windows authentication starts working again. Basically, I can access my site on our local intranet through the recorder window as long as I am not recording, but if the recorder is on I get a 401 error. I am really getting frustrated here. I just need to know how to manually add a button click event to a user profile. Someone has to have this code somewhere! I feel like I am getting no support here for a product my agency has purchased already. I am not looking for short 1 sentance answers....I am looking for SUPPORT! Someone, please...help me since I can't seem to get support from this vendor.

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I already downloaded it and tried it. But that program has it's own issue. See my post under the "How To Solve My Problem" area entitled "WAPT Pro 2.0 Beta Integrated Windows Authentication fails in recorder ". In the WAPT Pro 2 BETA, the windows authentication fails the minute you start recording. The second you stop recording, windows authentication starts working again. Basically, I can access my site on our local intranet through the recorder window as long as I am not recording, but if the recorder is on I get a 401 error.


It's a bug, we are fixing it.


Give me your scenario, profile and full log or send they to support@loadtestingtool.com. I'll explain how to add a POST request in your case.

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Guest Eolastear
It's a bug, we are fixing it.


Give me your scenario, profile and full log or send they to support@loadtestingtool.com. I'll explain how to add a POST request in your case.




I have attached the requested files. Please let me know what I can do. Also, any idea when the reported authentication bug in WAPT Pro 2.0 Beta will be fixed? Thanks.


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I checked your log. It shows that you didn't log in. The system always redirected you to the log in page. Try to specify a user name and password in page_2 and page_3 in ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder$LogOnControl$UserName and ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder$LogOnControl$Password parameters.

In page_2 I created two variables and used their values for __VIEWSTATE and __EVENTVALIDATION parameters in page_3. I’ve attached the changed profile.



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Guest Eolastear



Your presented solution had no effect. The previous scenario I sent involved automatic sign in which works by pulling the current windows identity for authentication. I have attached a revised scenario which uses manual log in. I am still having issue with the log out process being recorded properly. Please review and provide any feed back. Thanks.


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Your presented solution had no effect. The previous scenario I sent involved automatic sign in which works by pulling the current windows identity for authentication. I have attached a revised scenario which uses manual log in. I am still having issue with the log out process being recorded properly. Please review and provide any feed back. Thanks.


I looked to the log and I have no idea why logon failed. Could you provide an access to your site?

Also we've fixed the issue with authorization in WAPT Pro 2.0. You can download it from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/WAPTPro2.0.zip

WAPT Pro 2.0 has a new recorder. Now you can record and compare the recorded and performed requests and find the differences.


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Guest Eolastear
I looked to the log and I have no idea why logon failed. Could you provide an access to your site?

Also we've fixed the issue with authorization in WAPT Pro 2.0. You can download it from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/WAPTPro2.0.zip

WAPT Pro 2.0 has a new recorder. Now you can record and compare the recorded and performed requests and find the differences.


First off, the new version of the WAPT Pro 2.0 Beta is now working, the integrated authentication issue appears to be resolved. That being said, when I used the recorder to create my profile, and ran the test in WAPT Pro 2.0 Beta, everything worked as expected. I duplicated the profile in WAPT 6.0 and ran the test and it continued to have the same issue. One of the things I noticed that is different is that in WAPT Pro, you give the option to select the POST Parameter type. This was not allowed in WAPT. Other than this, I can find no differences between the profiles. I need to know why identical profiles are working in one version and not the other. Could the POST parameter type be causing the issue?

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Guest Eolastear
Could you give me the profiles and logs from WAPT 6.0 and WAPT Pro 2.0?



I have attached the requested files. Please advise on what I should try next. I'm literally at a loss here.



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Guest Eolastear
I compared two logs and found an issue. There was some problems with cookie management. What build of WAPT 6.0 do you use? Please, try the latest build from http://www.loadtestingtool.com/forum/builds/WAPT6.0.zip and send me a log.





Well slap me around and call me Susan....Houston, we have lift off! I was using the Dec 2009 build of WAPT 6.0. Apparently this was the problem because the minute I used the April 2010 build, it worked as advertised. My only suggestion at this juncture would be to have a better method for informing clients of new build releases. I've lost weeks on this and it wound up being a simple build issue. Anyhow, thank you for sticking with me through this.


One Note, while the recorder does infact no record the log out action, I noticed a little strange behavior. My profile ends by clicking the LogOut button and firing a logout event. This returns the user to the login screen but does not trigger any further behavior. For some reason, WAPT attempts to log in again. I know this because I have a full audit trail that runs on my system so important events are tracked. After every logout event run by WAPT, I get an immediate Login event that fails. When running the app outside of the WAPT software this behavior is not observed. Any ideas on the cause of this glitch. it's not such a big deal that I cannot complete my load tests, but it is rather odd.

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