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Guest Bruno

Critical bug in the bandwidth graph

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Guest Bruno



it seems WAPT Pro has a critical bug in the summary graphs.


I run some tests and I got a very confusing result. In the bandwidth tab, I see the metric "Sent per user, kbit/s" with a higher value than the metric "Sent, kbit/s".

I was not expecting this, since the number of kbits/s sent per user should be higher than the total number of kbit/s sent during my stress test.


Does anyone know if this is really a bug? What else could be? When will Softlogica fix it?


Best regards,



PS: I attached the graph so everybody can see the problem. I have something around 50000 kbit/s per user (almost 50Mbps), and only 2000 kbit/s. It does not make any sense to me.


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There are no bugs. Each user sends a request or receives a response very quickly. Therefore per user bandwidth usage is high. But an overall WAPT bandwidth usage is low because you set a long user think time. Your virtual users perform quick actions and then wait a long time.

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