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Guest Mark

Running from Command Line

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Guest Mark

Probably a stupid not so technical question .... but I tried following the instructions to run this tool from the command line and am failing badly.


My command:

-run Login.wps [-noexit] [-hr Results] [-sr Results] [-csv Results] [-log Results]


"-run" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.



Or else...


My command

WAPT.exe -run Login.wps [-noexit] [-hr Results] [-sr Results] [-csv Results] [-log Results]


Program opens with no wps selected and nothing else happens.



Any help would be appreciated.



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Guest angela
Probably a stupid not so technical question .... but I tried following the instructions to run this tool from the command line and am failing badly.


My command:

-run Login.wps [-noexit] [-hr Results] [-sr Results] [-csv Results] [-log Results]


"-run" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.



Or else...


My command

WAPT.exe -run Login.wps [-noexit] [-hr Results] [-sr Results] [-csv Results] [-log Results]


Program opens with no wps selected and nothing else happens.



Any help would be appreciated.




You should remove [] square brackets. Also, you should specify the full path to your scenario file.

In general, you should always specify full paths to all files and folders.


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Guest pon


You should remove [] square brackets. Also, you should specify the full path to your scenario file.

In general, you should always specify full paths to all files and folders.


I am having the same problem, this is what I'm entering into the command line:



C:\PROGRA~1\SOFTLO~1\WAPT\WAPT.exe -run C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\MyWAPT\Location8am.wps -noexit -hr C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\MyWAPT\HTMLReports -log C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\MyWAPT\logs


all it does is open up WAPT...


am I not using the -run command correctly? :(

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Guest pon

I am having the same problem:


C:\PROGRA~1\SOFTLO~1\WAPT\WAPT.exe -run C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\MyWAPT\Location8am.wps -noexit -hr C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\MyWAPT\HTMLReports -log C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\MyWAPT\logs


all it does is open up WAPT.

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Guest angela
I am having the same problem:


C:\PROGRA~1\SOFTLO~1\WAPT\WAPT.exe -run C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\MyWAPT\Location8am.wps -noexit -hr C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\MyWAPT\HTMLReports -log C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\MyWAPT\logs


all it does is open up WAPT.


You need to put all files names and paths in quotes, this should fix the problem.

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I just upgraded to WAPT Pro 5.0 from WAPT 7.5.  I can attest that running WAPT Pro with the command line using the -run option just opens WAPT and doesn't load the scenario/profile.  When I run with the -noui option, nothing appears to happen. The test I'm trying to run ramps up to 500 users with 1 user being added every 5 seconds.  I have to be unwittingly omitting something.  Any help out there?

WAPT Pro > WAPT Pro 5.0 (64-bit) Built on Oct  6 2019
WAPT Pro > Load settings from file: C:\ProgramData\Softlogica\WAPT\settings.xml
WAPT Pro > Loading profile from file: C:\StressTesting\Tab3.wppx.
WAPT Pro > Load profile OK: C:\StressTesting\Tab3.wppx.
WAPT Pro > Load scenario OK: C:\StressTesting\Tab3.wpsx.
WAPT Pro > Load agent ****2 is online.
WAPT Pro > Load agent localhost is online.
WAPT Pro > Load agent localhost running users 0
WAPT Pro > Load agent ****2 running users 0
WAPT Pro > Test started.
WAPT Pro > Load agent localhost running users 0
WAPT Pro > Load agent ****2 running users 0
WAPT Pro > Test finished.

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