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Guest aargsr

How do i add dynamic values to parameter,

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Guest aargsr

Hello all,


we have a web appplication.


login to site -----> open a page ----> filling the required parameters -----> submit that page.


there is one parameter called "Number" For different users/Iterations this value should be different.


i added few values to this parameter by using order list / randam list. while recording the script, am able to submit it.


if i run the test then the tool is not able submit the form or that page. but no errors.


can anybody tell me the solution?




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Guest viren

My question is "how to convert static values

to dynamic values".

Also i would like to know how to run a test for 1 hour with 20 vusers.

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Guest viren







Hello all,


we have a web appplication.


login to site -----> open a page ----> filling the required parameters -----> submit that page.


there is one parameter called "Number" For different users/Iterations this value should be different.


i added few values to this parameter by using order list / randam list. while recording the script, am able to submit it.


if i run the test then the tool is not able submit the form or that page. but no errors.


can anybody tell me the solution?





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Most probably the problems appear because you have not parameterized the HTTP requests in your profile after recording it. Note that initially all requests are recorded as is. If you use a recorded profile without modifications, WAPT will simply repeat all the same requests with the same values of all parameters. However when working with dynamic site content, some parameters should have unique values for each session. The values of such parameters should be extracted from server response to the previous requests. You can read more about that using the following two links.





Recently we also created a demo clip showing step by step how to perform the parameterization. You can download it here: http://www.loadtestingtool.com/quickstart/WAPTdemo.avi


Also, I recommend you to use the "Verify test" button to check your profiles before running the test. It will execute each profile one time and log all the details. After the verification is finished you can expand the "Logs" folder in the left view. You will see all the requests and server responses logged during the profile execution. You can also use logs for test runs, but you need to choose the level of details on the “Log and Report Settings” page.


Note also that when you record a profile, you should start from the very first URL that you use to access the web site. If you start recording from a page inside a user session, your profile will be incomplete and will not produce a valid session during the test.


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