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Guest will.m

fully script/automate load test

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Guest will.m

Hi all,


How can one run wapt tests from the command line, ie.. as part of complete automation


Context: Load Test Automation

As part of a full script, I would like to:

  • start the db service (remotely)
  • start the app server instance (remotely)
  • wait a minute
  • run the load test
  • save off the load test logs and graphs
  • save off the logs from remote server



How specifically do I do the bold parts ( run the load test and save off results)





We would like to have 'all the data' for a load test run--including load testing tool graphs and logs-- as well as server side logs (access logs, server logs etc.


Having the output in one place--i.e. "One stop shopping"--enables us to review a particular run for anomalies. For example, we want to check our server logs for any exceptions occurred during the testing.







Optimally, I could set some parameters during runtime (i.e. run time, thread count, etc)

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Command Line

WAPT Pro allows performing a number of its operations using the command line. In this way, you can perform WAPT Pro commands just from the console, without opening the program window. It is convenient for automated management of testing process.


If you use some tool that automatically manages your test runs, you can create various test scenarios in WAPT Pro and then run those scenarios from the console. For example, you can run several tests in a batch (run a .bat file) so that the tests will be executed one by one. Or you can run tests automatically each time after the compilation and deployment of a new version of web application.


The following keys will allow you to run WAPT Pro test scenarios, create HTML reports and CSV reports, and save test run results and generated logs from the command line.


-help: Opens WAPT Pro help topics.


-run : Runs a test with a specified scenario. This command has additional options:


-run [-noexit] [-hr ] [-sr ] [-csv ] [-log ]


-noexit: WAPT Pro will not exit after test completion.



-hr : Saves the results of test run as HTML report in a specified folder. Report name is generated automatically using the default name pattern:


-sr : Saves the results of test run as WAPT Pro results file in a specified folder. The name of results file is generated automatically using the default name pattern:


-csv : Specifies a folder for saving the generated CSV reports. Using this command, you can change the location for CSV reports which you defined in General settings (in the Save CSV results to edit box). Names of CSV reports are generated automatically using the default name pattern:


Note that WAPT Pro creates CSV reports only in case you have enabled the Save results option in Log and Report Settings. This command can only change the location for generated CSV reports.

%n is scenario name

%p is profile name

%c is the number of virtual users participated in the test

%d is the date when the test was performed

%t is the time when the test was performed

-log : Specifies a folder for saving the generated log files. Using this command, you can change the location for logs which you defined in General settings (Save log files to edit box).


Note that WAPT Pro generates logs only in case you have specified to create full or error logs in Log and Report Settings (in the Level of detail combo-box). This command can only change the location for generated logs.


You can use both relative folder path (for example, -hr Reports) and absolute folder path (for example, -sr C:\Testing\Results). If you use a relative path, then a folder with the specified name will be created in the directory where WAPT Pro executable file is located.


Besides, you can specify the name of some scenario in the command line and press Enter. WAPT Pro will open that scenario in the program window.

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Guest will.m

Hi all,


We're looking at using wapt for load testing and would like to automate as much as possible.


How can one do the following from the command line?


* run a specific test

* configure the output directory

* tell wapt to save the results (wapt result file, html, and images)

* configure run parameters (load length, number of cycles, etc)-- (this is optional)



We'd like to include 'running load tests' as part of an overall script that:

-starts the app server (web server)

-restarts the db service

-runs the load test <--- Wapt Goes Here

-shuts down everything

-saves off all logs for later review





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Guest will.m

WAPT Pro allows performing a number of its operations using the command line. In this way, you can perform WAPT Pro commands just from the console, without opening the program window. It is convenient for automated management of testing process.


So to clarify. Is this correct?

WAPT Pro allows command line automation. WAPT non-Pro does not allow command line automation.

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