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Guest Ujjwal

Applet support

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Guest Ujjwal

At present WAPT recorder doesn't support recording for Java applets. You can try to record profile in your browser.


1. Run WAPT 7.0.

2. Start recorder (click the Rec button).

3. Determine WAPT process ID (PID) in the Task Manager.

4. Execute the "netstat -a -o" command in command prompt to determine the listening port used by WAPT (marked with its PID).

5. Set HTTP proxy in your browser as localhost:<port number>.

6. Now you can record all actions in the browser.



At step#3: which process name I need to look for PID as I can't find anything related to wapt at services tab in the Task Manager.

At step#5: can you little bit elaborate from where I can put the port number? and also let me know that can we record actions in browser using wapt tool, if yes then how?


Reply ASAP



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Guest Fartus

WAPT can't record a Java applet if the applet uses own TCP socket.



Can i find socket in this mean.



I've same problem too. i can't record java applet.

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Can i find socket in this mean.



I've same problem too. i can't record java applet.


It means that applet creates own TCP connection and doesn't use browser's connection.

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Given a java applet for which I do not have the source, can I determine if it uses browser connection or a tcp connection using something like developer tools/firebug ?


If yes can you please tell me how to do that ?




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