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Guest aeggarcia

Only one session per user

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Guest aeggarcia

In some test where we are activating for first time an account in a web page,

it is important to generate only one session per user on introducing the needed data.

Otherwise if other sessions are produced eventually we are directed to pages we were not expecting producing 404 errors.


This has got a bad impact in our performance testing results...


How can configured a user to produce only one session?

I tried from the "Test Volume" configuration area. I do not think I have seen nothing relevant in the "SettingS"Pop up window either.



I am trying a ramp up of 7000 users during 14 hours... I need just 1 user per session.


Kind regards


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Each virtual user executes sessions one by one. As soon as it completes a session, it starts the next one, and so on until the test is finished. So, each virtual user emulates several successive real users and can execute corresponding number of sessions during the test. At any moment the number of active concurrent sessions is equal to the number of virtual users.

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Guest aeggarcia

Each virtual user executes sessions one by one. As soon as it completes a session, it starts the next one, and so on until the test is finished. So, each virtual user emulates several successive real users and can execute corresponding number of sessions during the test. At any moment the number of active concurrent sessions is equal to the number of virtual users.



Hi Sergei....


The problem is the virtual user is using logging data from a CSV file...

and instead of using the next raw in the CSV file with new login data and first time activation data...

is using again the first raw of the file. As that real user is already activated by the first session, this gives 404 errors as it goes eventually to a non expected page for the profile.


the next virtual user is the one who uses the next raw in the CSV file, activating another account. And then producing another session with the same problem... and so on..



So I am getting in the Logs User1 session 1 ok, the rest with 404 errors. And so on for the rest of the users...


Now, Can I limit the number of sessions to one for every USER in the logs? if so where from?


Thanks in advance


PS if not can this feature be introduced soon?

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