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Recording the file download completion time

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I'm trying to create a file downloading test scenario where WAPT will execute X amount of virtual users downloading an image file for X duration and at the same time record the average download completion time for these virtual users.


Can WAPT do that? If yes, how do I go about creating this test scenario?


Thanks in advance.

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Yes, WAPT can do that. Just record and execute your profile. Only completed requests are included in the statistics.


The results on the report doesn't seems right. Average response time seems too low to be true or am l looking at the wrong section of the report?


I'm testing file downloading on sharepoint btw. Does it work on SharePoint? SharePoint seems to open up an external download program (different from the normal IE download windows) and WAPT doesn't record any interaction with the download program.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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