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Measure SQL Performance

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Hi Experts,


Am currently evaluating the tool, have a question on the counter for SQL performance.

It asks me for 3 params, the DSN, the user and password.


Lets say my DB name is 'TESTDB' and the user is 'abc' and password is 'test'. Lets say this DB is not on my localhost but is on another server with IP


In that case what are the values I should add to the above fields for the test to pass, currently it says, 'Data source name not found and no default driver specified'


Many thanks !

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You need to create ODBC connection first.

You can find more info in the online help:

Note that a specified DSN should be added to the list of ODBC User Data Sources beforehand. For this, you should enter the Windows Start menu, select Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Data Sources (ODBC) and add a desired User Data Source. Then you will be able to use that data source in the DSN field of the Performance Counters view.

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