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Command Line -noui option

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I have a Scenario that runs fine with GUI, e.g. with 'WAPTPro.exe -run "D:\Dummy.wps"'.
-WAPT UI is started, closes automatically when finished and logs/reports/results are created


When I add the -noui option, e.g. 'WAPTPro.exe -run "D:\Dummy.wps" -noui', I can see that a WAPTPro.exe process is briefly started, then immediately closed
Nothing happened, no logs were created and %ERRORLEVEL% returns 1.

How can I debug this issue further?


I'm using WAPT Pro 4.0 Built May 30, 2016.

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Please, run 'WAPTPro.exe -run "D:\Dummy.wps" -noui > run.log'. WAPT Pro should create the run.log file with console output. Please, give it to me.

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Thanks for the quick response!


Here is the log output:

WAPT Pro > WAPT Pro 4.0 Built on May 30 2016
WAPT Pro > Load settings from file: C:\ProgramData\Softlogica\WAPT\settings.xml
WAPT Pro > Load scenario OK: D:\Dummy.wps.
WAPT Pro > Cannot create the report folder.
WAPT Pro > FAILURE. Test parameters validation error
WAPT Pro > Load agent localhost connecting...



I played with different settings and found out that "CSV Data Output" seems to be the problem. When I untick "Save test results" then there is no error. Any other log settings like "Save Response time statistics", "Save HTLM report" and a full log do not lead to this error.

And of course no error when I skip '-noui'.


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WAPT Pro cannot create or access the report folder.

Do you run WAPT Pro under the same user account with and without -noui option?

If you start WAPT Pro under local system account it can't create folder under your account (this folder set up in the settings by default).

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Everything is identical between both Scenarios.

I call WAPT under my user from a *.bat file and simply edit the file by add/removing the "-noui" option. -> Works without, but not with "-noui"


I have to add that WAPT was installed by another user on my machine.

I can see that "C:\ProgramData\Softlogica\WAPT\settings.xml" does hold different settings for the CsvDirectory than what's configured in my WAPT.

Could the CsvDir Setting be parsed from the wrong config file?


I get "-noui" working by also adding "-csv <Folder/filename.csv>".

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