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Peter Cook

WAPT failing to connect to URL despite me being able to connect to it manually

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WAPT is reporting an immediate failure trying to connect to a URL, it gets an error, "Network ertror: 10000". If I go into any browser using the exact same URL it opens immediately with an error.


I tried shutting off the user think time but it made no difference.


As far as WAPT is concerned it's almost like the URL doesn't exist. Any ideas on what the issue could be before I go talk to my IT department?





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If I go into any browser using the exact same URL it opens immediately with an error.

With an error or without?


First of all check the firewall settings.

What version of WAPT do you use? Is there something in the proxy settings of browsers?

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Sortry, that should have read "I can open the URL with any browser without any errors".


I have ten QA servers, 1 through 10. WAPT can get to 1 through 5 but not 6 through 10. The servers are exactly the same, no firewall.




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Unfortunately there is not enough information.

But if WAPT can connect to servers from 1 to 5 then the problem is more likely in settings of your network or servers than in WAPT.

Could you give me the logs and profile or send them to support?

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