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Think time difference from WAPT Pro 4.7 and WAPT Pro 5.0

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In WAPT Pro 4.7, a part of Profile property was "User Think Time" while in WAPT Pro 5.0 the property is clubbed under Intra-session load volume options "Think time after page load".

Are these two options same or is there a difference in their functioning

Because as i can understand the current option which is "Think time after page load" seems to be a more aggressive option while running bench-marking tests. We can always exercise the option to run tests with the time specified in page properties but they seem to be too slow. What kind of option can be used to get a common ground with the real world simulation?

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I usually use option "Specified in page properties", but is necessary to check edit boxes "User think time after page load (ms)" on all pages in the profile. This values are inserted by profile recording, and contain all time your test preparation (for example time for creating bookmarks, etc.). After recording I evaluate this times and arrange it to correct values.

Best Regards,


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