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Passing just content-type inside the request header

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We have a situation here where the request headers are identical barring just one difference with respect to content type. In the recorded request this happens to be application/json while during test the charset gets appended to the content-type. 

Response is returning an 500 Internal Server error as the method is throwing Null Pointer exception. This request with charset was posted through browser as well and it failed.

I tried to add a request header with the below values so it would overwrite the automatically generated header. But that returns with content-type. Is there a way where we can send this request by isolating the charset part from the content-type.

Recorded Request

content-type: application/json

Test Request

content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8



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If you manually add the Content-Type header to the end of the headers list with the overwrite option it should overwrite the automatic default header. Could you give me you profile so I could check it?

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Thanks a lot Sergei. Overwriting option works fine. But there are a lot of requests with similar request headers. So can this be set globally in the Default HTTP Headers at Profile level. Because there i dont see a dropdown of Overwrite. 

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