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Guest maha

Accessing cells of GRID

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Guest maha

I wanted to parameterize the cells of the grid. The grid is created dynamically while exceutio. The text box within the grid are identfieid as HTML row and column. On recording the cells are not recorded.

How to load test in this case...

The view source is added for ur reference.

<th id='ctl00xContentPlaceHolder1xUserControl1xGrid1xGrid_c_0_2' columnNo='2' height='22px' class="ig_8f2da28f_r4 is_grid_header_row_style " style="display:none;"> </th></tr></thead>

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Guest maha
Could you send us a profile and a full log?

Please find the profile and log file attached with this reply.

Adding a row to grid and defining the data to the grid element has been recorded. The values that has been recorded is only replayed while rerunning thogh we parameterize. The viewstate is capturing the data while recording and supplying the same while executing the code. Kindly solve this problem we are in urgency in executing the laod testing for our application.


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Guest maha
It seems, you forgot to attach files.

I have attached the profile in the last post, since teh log file is of huge size not able to attach the log file.

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Sorry for a delay. I tied to understand your problem but haven't got an enough information. Could you provide an access to the website and a detailed description of your needs. Screenshots will be helpfull too.

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