x64 Load Engine: Increase test load up to 1M users with high capacity generators

For performance tests requiring the emulation of 10,000 and more concurrent virtual users we recommend using the x64 Load Engine components instead of the regular load agents that come with WAPT Pro by default. Due to the native 64 bit implementation, the engine does not have any technical limitations on the test data size, session length and load volume.

When you need to run a test with a high number of virtual users, the trade-off between increasing the number of engines connected to the workplace and improving the engine hardware is usually found at around 15,000 users per engine. By tweaking the hardware configuration (or the parameters of the corresponding virtual instance) you can scale the capacity up to 50,000 users per engine. For tests with high CPU requirements (long server responses, use of JavaScript code, high number of variables, etc.) we recommend planning around 10,000 users per engine.

The workplace component of WAPT Pro manages the work of the engines the same way it does that for the regular load agents. Both agents and engines appear in the same list, where you can adjust their options and select the ones you want to use in the test. To facilitate the setup you can search your local network for available agents and engines.

Installation: The x64 Load Engine can be installed on any system with 64 bit Windows OS starting from Windows 8. This product is not included in the WAPT Pro installation package by default. You can download and install the engine separately.

The engine runs as a system service. It can be launched and managed from the Load Engine Manager available under the Start menu on the system where the engine is installed. By default this service is launched automatically, so you can start using it immediately after the installation.

Licensing: Unlike the regular load agent, the x64 Load Engine is licensed per installation. A single license allows installing and using the engine on one system. In case several installations are required or several instances of a virtual system are used in parallel, you need to obtain the corresponding number of licenses.

Note that the engine interface does not provide the test design and management functionality. The engine can be used only as an additional component for WAPT Pro.
