WAPT - Web Application Load Testing load and stress testing tool
Accurate real user simulation
Dynamic test data generation  
Recording & Playback of HTTPS/SSL pages  
Flexible test volume & load definition  
Clear reports and graphs  
Full log of virtual user activity  
Distributed load generation  
Remote test management  
Server performance monitoring  
Java Script Support  

PowerPoint demo
(3.81Mb, PPT, Slideshow)

Quick Start Guide
(927kb, PDF)


Server Performance Monitoring

WAPT Pro can measure various parameters of the web server performance during the test. This way you can see how your web application responds to the increasing load in terms of CPU, RAM or network usage. You can also measure various parameters of the database performance, which is essential for web applications that use databases. The obtained data is included in the test results along with other parameters.

This feature is especially useful to determine bottlenecks in the server performance. For example, you notice that a peak in the server response time coincides with a 100% peak in the RAM utilization on the server. This means that you can improve the performance of the web application by adding more RAM, because that resource is insufficient in the current configuration when the load is peaking. Same idea can be applied to CPU or HDD utilization as well as to any other limited system resource.

WAPT Pro can use either WMI or SNMP protocol to get the mentioned performance counters data from the web server. Database performance parameters are obtained directly from the database by sending corresponding SQL requests through the ODBC interface. Requests for basic MS SQL and Oracle counters are predefined in the product. You can also add your own specific requests for any additional performance data available in your database through ODBC.

Read more about other features of the Pro version.

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03/21/2006 WAPT successfully passed the 'Designed for Windows XP' certification by Microsoft(R)


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